Hewett Disability Unit
The Hewett Disability Unit caters for primary school aged children with a range of intellectual and physical disabilities and a current enrolment of 24 students (3 classes). Our staffing team consists of teachers, SSO’s and a unit coordinator.
In the Hewett DU we value inclusion, dignity, participation and engagement for all learners. We promote and foster meaningful relationships and strive to create a happy and safe environment for all children.
Our facilities include two large and secure outdoor areas with a playground, garden, swings and a bike track, a large communal sensory room, internal sensory rooms and interactive whiteboards in each classroom and disabled toilets.
As we are located within Hewett Primary school there are strong links and ongoing opportunities for interaction between unit students and mainstream peers which includes weekly lessons with our buddy class, access to mainstream play spaces and facilities and involvement with whole school events such as sports day and book week.
All students in the Disability unit have a One Plan with individualised goals that are based upon the Australian Curriculum and ABLES framework. Curriculum across all learning areas is taught with a strong focus on developing communication, safety, social skills, sensory needs and independence.
All staff are trained in using AAC and we offer various communication methods to accommodate the individual needs of all our students.
All students are enrolled through a Special Options process through the Department for Education; eligibility is determined by a panel process. Enrolment cannot be done through school.